
Discovering Microsoft Azure - What is Azure ?

Azure  As we talked about cloud computing in general . Now lets get into azure itself , this map below shows all the massive number of services that azure comprises at this time.   Generally speaking  most of the services offered with in azure can be put into three categories : Compute ,Networking , Storage . And the one thing we need to look at is Security and Management which is not a separate category but that's some thing that accompanies everything that you are doing .  Azure Compute Services  Azure Virtual Machine  : Windows or Linux VMs Azure Kubernetes Service : Manage clusters of VMs that run containerised services   Azure Functions : Event-driven , server-less computing  Azure Networking Services Azure Virtual Network :  Connects VMs to VPN connections  Azure Load Balancer : Balance inbound and outbound connections Azure Traffic Manager : Distributes network traffic across Azure regions  Azure Storage Services  Azure Blob Storage : Storage objects like video files , JSON

Discovering Microsoft Azure - Cloud Computing

What is Azure ?  As most of you know that azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform . Before we start to know what azure is and what it can do , lets talk a little bit about cloud computing . I just want to go over a couple of terms that we will be using here , that some of thing that goes with cloud computing .  Infrastructure As A Service(IAAS) , renting hardware to some one else in the cloud . Platform As A Service(PASS) , this is a great environment for build and deploy and test software application .  Software As A Service(SAAS) , software is going to be centrally hosted and managed for the end user.Office 365 and Microsoft 365 are some of examples of SAAS. Why move to cloud ? Cost Effective  Pay As you go pricing  Pay Only for the resources you use  Scalable     Virtually scale resources Adding a faster CPU  Adding memory          Horizontally scale Add more servers Elastic  Automatically add or remove resources  Add more resources when your application is most heavily us